19 de dezembro de 2011

Merry Christmas Again

Every Christmas there's a  wait for someone who has never come, and now it's a new one. How could a person meet someone who relieves its pain? If it's time to love, why hasn't it come? If it's time to smile, why are there so many tear in every eye? The answer is, I don't know, I just know that I'm a sinner, but who is not? Yet, life seems like a ship without candles, without oars, there's no sailor on board. There's no mainland in front of the eyes, the crew abandoned it so long ago, where is everyone? Perhaps, everyone's crying and looking at a grey wall, without painting and light. I really wish it wasn't happening. Have you called a friend today, this week, this month? If you ask me about it the answer would be no, I have not. Then I think to myself, it hasn't been a wonderful world, there's a song saying it different, but what we have done is too far from this beautiful lyric. Anyway, Christmas has come, let's try again?

Zel Florizel

Author's note: Special thanks for Chris Sloan who had helped me to revise this text.