27 de maio de 2012

Penedo Furado Vila de Rei Portugal (HD)

PRAIA FLUVIAL DO PENEDO FURADO, Um dos locais mais conhecidos do concelho de Vila de Rei, que se destaca por uma passagem natural na rocha e pela ribeira que divide um maciço rochoso, formado por um conjunto de quedas de água de grande beleza, que podem ser apreciadas, percorrendo a pé um estreito caminho talhado na rocha. Dois miradouros com acesso directo à estrada permitem a visão deste conjunto muito arborizado, dotado de infra-estruturas de apoio à praia fluvial, onde a água límpida e cristalina com pouca profundidade, vai correndo pelo leito natural entre as rochas. Foi apurada finalista no concurso 7 Maravilhas -- Praias de Portugal, na categoria de "Praias de Rios" no ano 2012. por Carlos Pais.

One of the most popular places in Vila de Rei municipality, distinguished by a natural circuit naturaly carved into the rock and the river that divides a rock mass formed by a beautiful set of waterfalls, which can be enjoyed by foot through a narrow path carved into the rock. Two viewpoints with direct access to a wooded, landscape with infrastructure that support the river beach, where crystal clear water and shallow run the natural course between the rocks. It was one of the finalists in a competition that determined 7 Wonders - Beaches of Portugal, in the category "River Beaches" in 2012. by Carlos Pais.

London: Eye blickt auf Big Ben - London Eye looks at Big Ben

21 de maio de 2012

Dear Father

Dear father, I'm here in Brazil almost two years, but I didn't get job, could you send me some money? If you cannot do it, I will become a politician, this is the only profession that I can have a life as good as a lived there. I can't play futebol, I'm  not able to dance samba. If you send me money, I can buy, oh sorry, I can help some voters then, they will give me their votes. I wouldn't like to leave Brazil, I love this country! :D

Zel Florizel

20 de maio de 2012

YouTube's 7th Birthday on May 21

The site YouTube was born on january 2005, it was founded by Chad Hurley, Steve Chen and Jawed Karim. Its domain name was registered on december 2005, in this time the YouTube was watched 8 millions times per day. On october 2006 the Google and YouTube joined forces, on october 2009 YouTube was watched 1 billion times a day, several subjects was posted on it. The YouTube on HD came on december 2008. On july 2009 we already enjoyed YouTube on 3D. On january 2012 over 4 billion video was watched per day. On may 2012, 72 hours of video was uploaded every minute. What is the magic? The magic is you, are all of you. You on tube, YouTube. Happy birthday YouTube, happy birthday to all of you. These informations are on the video, enjoy it.

Sammy Davis Tap Dances, Sings And Mimics Famous Singers

12 de maio de 2012

Torres Novas Feira Medieval Portugal (HD)

Dedicada às Cortes de 1525, que tiveram lugar nesta cidade, nas quais se decidiu o casamento de D.Isabel, irmão do rei D. João III, com o Imperador Carlos V Rei de Castela, esta feira Medieval pretende evocar esse momento recriando essa época do Sec. XVI, através da representação teatral, da música e outras artes, vestindo-se e vivendo a rigor. por Carlos Pais.

Dedicated to the Monarchy in 1525, which took place in this city, where the marriage of D. Isabel, sister of King John the 3rd with the Emperor Carlos the 5th, King of Castile was resolved, this exhibition aims to evoke the Medieval time recreating that time of the 16th century, through a theatrical performance, music and other arts, such as clothing and ambience. by Carlos Pais.

4 de maio de 2012

Praia Vieira de Leiria (HD)

A PRAIA de VIEIRA DE LEIRIA, localizada no concelho de Marinha Grande, distrito de Leiria, teve origem na actividade piscatória, que foi um dos factores da fixação populacional.Com um areal que se estende por vários Kms, esta praia tem condições excepcionais para a prática de desportos de água, tais como o surf e o body board, srndo também uma das praias mais procuradas da região para a prática de kitesurf, devido aos constantes ventos que sopram do norte.Uma das curiosidades desta vila é a Capela dos Pescadores, um dos raros exemplares de edifícios religiosos construídos em madeira em 1973, no local onde existia uma pequena capela construída em alvenaria. Uma das bases de sustentação desta localidade e que atrai muitos turistas é a gastronomia, donde se destacam os pratos confeccionados à base de marisco. O longo areal convida à prática de passeios e caminhadas, tendo o mar como paisagem.Recomenda-se uma visita. por Carlos Pais.

BEACH of VIEIRA DE LEIRIA, located in the district of Marinha Grande, Leiria district, Marinha Grande as it origins in the fishing industry, one of the reasons for population setting. The beach area is very large and has exceptional conditions for water sports, such as surf and body boarding, is one of the most popular beaches in the region for kitesurfing due to the constant winds that blow from the north. There's a Fisherman's Chapel, one of the rare examples of religious buildings constructed in wood from 1973. One of the most important things of this town, which attracts many tourists, is its cuisine, where we highlight the dishes based on seafood. The long sandy beach invites the practice of walking and hiking by the sea. by Carlos Pais.